Sunday, May 20, 2012

How is everybody practicing? or supposedly the riding is already practice enough? I am happy to find an eventual empty parking and a couple of minutes to practice.
Still, I feel a bit repetitive:
its curves and curves and curves what I do.

Como estais practicando? O es montar en moto ya bastante practica?
Yo busco el parking abandonado y hago todo lo que se me ocurre- curvas, en la mayoria de los casos...

übt Ihr?
Und wie und was?
Oder ist das Fahren allein schon genug Übung?
Ich geh zum leeren Parkplatz wenn ich mal eine Viertelstunde Zeit hab und mache alles was mir da grad einfällt, was meistens Kurven sind.

sickle with Blitz bikes and people

Blitz simple sickle
watch if you have 6  min or so to spent. it is Edwin jeans advertising, with people and bikes by blitz and countryroads etc by Vosges, france.
And a silly nice song. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sot de Chera trailride

another secret trip after finishing work early today. 

Sot de Chera is reachable only by a considerably curvy country road, entering from the east and crossing a mountain pass, and leaving towards the west, gently and continuously rising until it meets the Highway Valencia- Madrid.
However, once you are there you find those remote gravel road networks, my guessing is they are forestal maintenance roads, accesses to little fields and terraces and ancient cettle pathways.
It is recommendable to ride them in a respectful manner. It makes you feel that everything there is alive and has maintained and provided for the few people living here. 
Same as their gravel roads, the people also are very dedicated and intelligent networkers!

this is somewhat further west, maybe half way between Sot de Chera and Siete Aguas, after this point again the altitude of the road is rising considerably.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Patience is the key.
I hope

however, I dont trust this broken hub despite the beautyful new spokes....
like it or not, i am going to look for a new one,
as soon as I can

Saturday, May 12, 2012

more on the hub conundrum

So I went to ask more people and it seems that not wear on the drum is the issue but wear on the axis of the little camshaft that separates the breakshoes.
To be more precise, the aluminium cast (which is the base of the brakeshoes) has a hole where the axis passes and there it has too much freeplay.
if I translate it from german, it would be something like   "brake anchor plate"

And as a second reason, I found out, too much compression from the axle on the wrong parts of the hub.

In my mind it starts making a little bit more sense.

At least I feel a little bit less stupid after losing two good rearhubs....

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

                                   The Broken (Conun) drum!

the long hub story.  Thats why I cant use my beautyful fun Tenere!
These cracks appeared from the moment I had the wheel spoked newly...
So I found another good hub, got it sent, spoked in by the same person- and the same thing happened!!!!!
He says it never happened and he does a dozen wheels a day, I guess.
He says it is because the brakeshoes do not track well. But I did not ride far- i feel the unroundness of the drum immediately.
Ideas welcome...
I keep up with the news.
9 of may...someone from horizons unlimited commented that it is due to the wear of the shoes that eat away the material of the drum.
Sort of makes sense.
Yamaha discontinued the production of these drums because it is an old model.

....dunno what to do.......

.....just buy another used one making sure this time it is better...?